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WOW Amigos Spanish Club

Teacher Advisor: Ms. Daniela Freeman

Meeting Dates: Once a month after school @3:00-4:15 (dates vary)

Contact email:
Grade Levels: Kinder (Spring) and 1st (Fall), Spanish Immersion students (3rd/4th) will assist in club activities too.
Description: The Wortham Oaks Amigos Spanish Club meets once a month and is open to grades K-2nd. Students do not need to speak Spanish to join the Spanish Club, membership is open to any student who wishes to learn about the Spanish Language and Spanish-speaking culture. The goal of the WOW Amigos Spanish Club is to help create understanding and promote enthusiasm for the Spanish language through cultural activities. Monthly activities include- crafts, bilingual story time, games, song and dance, food tasting and of course learning new Spanish vocabulary. We also plan to bring back our yearly fundraiser, the Wortham Oaks Fiesta Night, which will be a night full of food, games, and fun activities for the whole Wortham Oaks community!  More details to come...  ¡Viva los WOW Amigos!
Spanish Club